Music Schedule
The Second Sunday of Advent, December 10, 2023 - Jazz Eucharist
Prelude - What Child is this? Arr. Dubin/Guerrero
Service Music
Kyrie - Mass of St. Augustine, Lift Every Voice and Sing #236
Sanctus - Byzantine, Enriching Our Music 2 #133
Agnus Dei/Fraction Anthem – Enriching Our Music 1 #4, Freedom Mass
Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13, chanted monotone
Opening Hymn - I want to be ready – LEVAS #7
Sequence Hymn - Prepare the way, O Zion – The Hymnal 1982 #65
Communion Hymn - Prepare ye the way of the Lord – LEVAS 11
Recessional Hymn - Comfort, comfort ye my people PSALM 42 – The Hymnal 1982 #67
Offertory Anthem-The sun himself shall fade, John W. Work III
Postlude - Little Drummer Boy Arr. Dubin/Guerrero
The Third Sunday of Advent, December 17, 2023
Annual Visitation of Bishop Provisional Stephen Lane
Organ Prelude - Rorate caeli, Jeane Demessieux
Service Music
Kyrie - Plainsong, The Hymnal 1982 #S94
Sanctus - Plainsong, The Hymnal 1982 #S122
Agnus Dei/Fraction Anthem- Plainsong, The Hymnal 1982 #S160
Canticle 15 with antiphon, no Gloria, The Hymnal 1982 # S242
Opening Hymn - Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding-The Hymnal 1982 #59
Sequence Hymn - On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry-The Hymnal 1982 #76
Communion Hymn - People, look East-The Hymnal 1982 #724
Recessional Hymn - Soon and very soon- LEVAS #14
Offertory Anthem - This is the record of John, Orlando Gibbons
Organ Prelude - Wachet auf (from 3 Fantasies on Advent Hymns), Emma Lou Diemer
The Fourth Sunday of Pentecost, December 24, 2023
Service Music
Canticle 15 with antiphon, no Gloria"-The Hymnal 1982 # S242
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2025
Service Music
Gloria- Powell - The Hymnal 1982 # S280
Sanctus-set to the tune of "Go tell it on the mountain"
Agnus Dei/Fraction Anthem- set to the tune of "My Lord, what a morning"
Processional Hymn-O come, all ye faithful (stanzas 1, 2, 3, 6)-The Hymnal 1982 #83
Sequence Hymn-Go, tell it on the mountain- LEVAS #21
Silent night, holy night-The Hymnal 1982 #111
Recessional Hymn - Hark! the herald angels sing-The Hymnal 1982 #87
Communion Anthem: A stable lamp is lighted, David Hurd
Organ Postlude: Toccata from Symphonie No. 5, op. 42, no. 1 Charles Marie Widor"